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Notable Features


  • The TurboVNC Session Manager
    • Allows users to interactively choose a TurboVNC session to which to connect, as well as to remotely start and kill TurboVNC sessions
    • Starts TurboVNC sessions with a secure-by-default SSO (Single Sign-On) configuration, using SSH tunneling with automatic one-time password authentication
  • Built-in SSH client
    • Supports OpenSSH config files
    • Supports password-less public key authentication using ssh-agent or Pageant
    • Built-in SSH key management
  • Support for SSH tunneling using built-in or external SSH client
    • Direct or through an SSH gateway
    • Configurable external SSH client command-line templates
  • Unix domain socket support
    • The TurboVNC Server can listen on a Unix domain socket instead of a TCP port.
    • The TurboVNC Viewer can use SSH tunneling to connect to a VNC server that is listening on a Unix domain socket.
  • Allows security/authentication policies to be enforced for all TurboVNC users on a particular host
  • TLS encryption support (VeNCrypt-compatible)
    • Strongly encrypts TurboVNC connections when not using SSH tunneling or the TurboVNC Session Manager
    • Supports anonymous TLS or X.509 certificates
    • TLS cipher suites and key lengths can be enforced using a per-host security/authentication policy.
  • Authentication with one-time passwords or Unix login credentials
    • Can be used to share TurboVNC sessions with specific users, either with full or view-only credentials
  • Built-in WebSockets support
    • Allows noVNC and other browser-based VNC viewers to connect to the TurboVNC Server without using a proxy
    • Supports TLS encryption (WSS) with X.509 certificates
  • Configurable authentication failure mitigation
    • Blocks connections from an IP address for a specified period of time after a specified number of authentication failures from that IP address
    • Hardens TurboVNC sessions against brute force attacks when not using SSH tunneling or the TurboVNC Session Manager
  • (Optional) Idle session timeout
    • Enforceable using a per-host security/authentication policy
  • UltraVNC Repeater support (Mode I or II)
  • Full support for IPv6
  • Enterprise-friendly version management


  • Advanced flow control and continuous updates
    • Allows the TurboVNC Viewer to receive framebuffer updates without specifically requesting them, which improves performance dramatically on high-latency connections
  • Direct integration with VirtualGL
    • Enables GPU-accelerated OpenGL for an entire TurboVNC session
  • DRI3 support (evolving feature)
    • Enables GPU-accelerated OpenGL and Vulkan for an entire TurboVNC session when using open source GPU drivers
  • Lossless refresh
    • Allows the TurboVNC Server to send a mathematically or perceptually lossless copy of remote desktop regions that were previously sent using JPEG
    • Facilitates using image-quality-critical applications on networks that are too slow to support sending a high-quality image for every frame
    • Manual (when a hotkey is pressed) or automatic (if the user stops interacting with the TurboVNC session for a specified period of time)
  • Accelerated/optimized Tight encoding/decoding
    • Multithreaded encoding
    • SIMD-accelerated JPEG encoding/decoding (using libjpeg-turbo)
    • SIMD-accelerated zlib encoding (using zlib-ng)
  • Interframe comparison
    • Eliminates duplicate framebuffer updates
  • Fine-grained control over the JPEG image quality and the level of chrominance subsampling
  • Client-side double buffering
    • Reduces tearing artifacts in 3D and video applications


  • High-performance feature-rich cross-platform VNC viewer
    • Maintains a different set of options for each unique VNC host
    • Uses the system's look & feel
    • Provides a toolbar for easy access to common features
    • Provides an application menu on macOS
  • Seamless and automatic integration with popular window managers
  • Remote desktop resizing
    • Automatic, based on the size of the TurboVNC Viewer window, or manual
  • Direct integration with noVNC
    • Provides a zero-install viewer for TurboVNC sessions that works in any web browser (with reduced performance and features relative to the TurboVNC Viewer)
    • Built-in per-session web server
    • One-click noVNC URL generated for each TurboVNC session
    • Uses the TurboVNC Server's built-in WebSockets support
  • Flexible and configurable full-screen/multi-screen support
    • Supports the full-screen application feature in OS X/macOS 10.7 "Lion" and later
    • Supports offset monitors and monitors with differing resolutions
    • Automatic (based on the remote desktop resolution) or manual selection of single-monitor or multi-monitor spanning of the TurboVNC Viewer window
    • Allows the user to remotely change the multi-screen layout of a running TurboVNC session or to specify a multi-screen layout when starting a session
    • Automatic desktop resizing chooses a server-side screen layout that honors the client's screen boundaries and taskbar/menu bar location.
  • Remote extended input device support
    • Supports drawing tablets (Linux/Un*x and Mac clients) and touchscreen devices (Linux/Un*x clients)
    • Optionally maps X Input devices to a TurboVNC session when the TurboVNC Viewer connects from a Linux/Un*x client
    • Optionally creates persistent virtual X Input devices to emulate a Wacom drawing tablet
  • Server-side key mapping
    • Maximizes compatibility with international keyboard layouts (including those with dead keys)
  • Client-side remote desktop scaling
  • Keyboard grabbing
    • Sends special keystrokes, such as Alt-Tab, to the VNC server
  • UTF-8 clipboard transfers
Creative Commons LicenseAll content on this web site is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License. Any works containing material derived from this web site must cite The VirtualGL Project as the source of the material and list the current URL for the TurboVNC web site.

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Page last modified on August 12, 2024, at 10:34 AM