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TurboVNC Operating System Support Policy

This policy applies to all versions of TurboVNC released after May, 2019.

Support for a particular operating system includes:

  • Ensuring that TurboVNC can be built cleanly on the operating system
  • Regression testing each TurboVNC release for performance and compatibility with the operating system
  • Ensuring that the TurboVNC Server works properly with the most common window managers available in the operating system
  • Providing binary packages for the operating system or ensuring that existing binary packages work properly with the operating system (this includes satisfying any code signing requirements that the operating system imposes on binary packages)
  • Implementing or documenting any necessary workarounds for the operating system
  • Documenting any build or run-time procedures that are specific to the operating system

Official Support

These operating systems are tested and supported by The VirtualGL Project, and binary packages provided by this project should work properly with these operating systems. Any incompatibilities between TurboVNC and these operating systems will be fixed at our expense (using the TurboVNC General Fund.)

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (x86-64 and AArch64) releases that are in the Full Support or Maintenance Support phase (as well as derivative distributions)
    • GNOME, MATE, and Xfce window managers only
  • Ubuntu LTS (amd64 and arm64) releases that are receiving public updates
    • GNOME, MATE, Unity, and Xfce window managers only
    • Includes Ubuntu MATE, Ubuntu Unity, and Xubuntu flavors
  • (Viewer only) macOS releases that are receiving security updates
  • (Viewer only) Windows releases that are in the mainstream or extended support phase

Paid Support

These operating systems/environments will not be tested and supported at all except under a paid support contract. Contact the project admin for a free estimate.

  • Enterprise Linux distributions other than RHEL (and its derivatives) and Ubuntu LTS, including SuSE Linux Enterprise
  • Solaris
  • Architectures other than x86-64 and AArch64
  • Any other enterprise or closed-source operating system not previously mentioned
  • Any operating system for which public updates are not available or no longer available

Community Support

These operating systems/environments are tested infrequently, cursorily, or not at all by The VirtualGL Project. It is expected that the user community will report any incompatibilities between TurboVNC and these operating systems/environments, as well as assist in diagnosing and fixing such incompatibilities. Any compatibility fixes submitted for these operating systems/environments will be integrated and tested at our expense (using the TurboVNC General Fund.)

Full support for any of these operating systems/environments can also be provided under a paid support contract, if desired.

  • Debian
  • Fedora
  • Ubuntu interim releases (non-LTS)
  • FreeBSD
  • Any 32-bit-only publicly-updated open source operating system
  • Any other publicly-updated open source operating system not previously mentioned
  • Any window manager other than GNOME, MATE, Unity and Xfce
Creative Commons LicenseAll content on this web site is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License. Any works containing material derived from this web site must cite The VirtualGL Project as the source of the material and list the current URL for the TurboVNC web site.

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Page last modified on March 13, 2025, at 08:16 AM